Project Inform Marquee

App for safer shopping

Coronavirus has made shopping choices more fraught for many people, particularly those at risk of severe COVID-19.

06 Work Case Study Pro Nova H1 @2X
ProNova: SC360 Proton Therapy System
Imagine being strapped into a large machine, completely immobilized, for an hour while it delivers high doses of radiation to treat your cancer - every day for six months.
06 Case Study Fenix 3
Fenix International: ReadyPay Solar Home System
In Africa, more than 80 percent of households lack access to energy. The lack of light and power is a roadblock to economic and societal development, limiting the ability to work, study, and communicate digitally.
06 Case Study Perlick Range Fridge H1 @2X
Perlick: Refrigerator/Freezer Product Platform
Perlick, a leading manufacturer of commercial and residential refrigeration, wanted to offer a complete in-home luxury kitchen appliance suite. They identified an opportunity to add a new column refrigerator/freezer product platform as part of their residential strategy.
06 Case Study Scout H1 @2X
Kid Trax: Rideamals
Kid Trax makes super-cool play versions of farm and construction equipment, sports cars, police cars, motorcycles, trucks, dune buggies … you name it. But what about a ride-on animal?