Product Market Research Team
Insights are the foundation of strategy

Product design research is about deeply understanding context and generating empathy in order to create products, services, experiences and systems that respond to human needs.

Delve Product Design Research Services Team
Product design research is different from market research
Innovation needs inspiration that can differ from traditional market research methods.

Our services use a client-specific mixture of research methods to build a solid foundation for design with an eye to the future. Every innovation challenge is different.

  • Quantitative and qualitative research
  • Validation research
  • Journey and ecosystem mapping
  • And beyond
Team of people strategizing
What's your core problem to solve?
It's OK if you don't know.

Framing the problem is half the battle. It's a critical first step to designing a research plan that gives insight you can do something with. From the start, our services will collaborate with you to define the problem and then craft a plan that will deliver.

Our Work

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"Delve deepened our knowledge of design thinking and user needs. It's paying high dividends in quickly building our customer base."
Dan Kaiser, President, TruStage (formerly SafetyNet)
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Onity: Disruptive E-Lock Innovation
Delve’s research drove a technical solution that ended up disrupting the electronic locks market for the hospitality industry.
Pharma Case Study Medication Adherence
Medication Adherence
When hepatitis C became curable in 2013, it felt like the battle had been won. The cure, however, had a challenge of its own.
OPT intro
BD Diabetes Care: Digital Hub to Manage Type 2 Diabetes
In order to better serve the needs of people with Type 2 diabetes, BD set out to create a central, digital hub for people to manage all aspects of their care.
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Lamplight: TIKI® Brand Fire Pit
We worked with Lamplight to design an innovative outdoor firepit that delivers the pleasures of sitting around an outdoor fire, without the fuss or mess.
12 Case Study Fiskars
Fiskars: Product Roadmap
Delve built a multi-year roadmap of platforms and correlating new product concepts that would have resonance with both consumers and retailers.
Slide 1 HDM Breas Clinical intro
HDM-Breas Clinical: IoT Ventilator Platform
Delve worked with the team at Breas-HDM, physicians, and our development partners to create a new ventilator platform for healthcare providers to monitor, triage, and collaborate on the care of patients on life support.
New product development is risky. To stack the odds in your favor, put users at the center of the design process and conduct research early and often.
Jenny Westby THUMB
Explore what research-driven new product development looks like at Delve.
Jenny Westby, Designer Researcher, Delve
Construction Workers – Food Samples – Covid Test – Doctor with a Patient
The ROI of Research and Strategy, Part 2
To understand the critical importance of user research and strategy for businesses, it's helpful to look at real-world examples.
2023 06 05 Patient Journey Mapping HERO2
How to Use Patient Journey Mapping to Design an Outstanding Patient Experience
Want to deliver a better patient experience? Start by mapping the patient journey. Here's how to do it.
12 Article Megan usability studies2
Our Favorite Remote Research Methods for Product Design
When in-person research needs to shift, try these remote research methods. All have yielded great insights for us at various stages of product design.
2023 10 24 jobs outcomes constraints HERO
Use ‘Jobs, Outcomes, and Constraints’ to Exploit the Pause Between Research and Ideation
The JOC method lets you move into ideation confident that you're working from something more than a hunch.
2023 10 20 MIND map HERO
How to MIND Map Your Way to Project Success
Most design processes start with empathy or insights and jump right into design research methods – forgetting to acknowledge how crucial framing and scoping can be.
2023 12 27 Co Creation Blog Illustrations HERO
The Why, How, and When of Co-Creation During the Product Development Process
Co-creation means inviting users into your creative process. Users, instead of being subjects of study, gain agency and become active participants in the design process.

Our Insights and Strategy Team

Gina Gritzuk
Gina Gritzuk
Director of Insights & Strategy
Jenny Westby
Jenny Westby
Senior Design Researcher

Design Researchers and Design Strategists have a lot in common. Both roles deeply understand the users and context in which innovation will exist. They translate observations and patterns from people and the world into inspiration and direction for product, innovation, and business, strategies.

Design Research Services

We are big fans of mixed methods when it comes to research and are careful about what we apply and when to inform the design process.

  • Qualitative and quantitative research
  • Ethnographic research
  • Group / panel and in-depth interviews (IDIs)
  • Trend & market research
  • Diary studies
  • Contextual research
  • Desk research
  • Literature searches
  • Meta-analysis of past research/reports
  • Analogous experience auditing
  • Benchmarking
  • Workflow and experience/journey mapping
  • Stakeholder and subject matter expert (SME) interviews
  • Concept testing (qualitative and quantitative)
  • Quantitative research / online surveys
  • “Prototype to learn”
  • Online surveys
  • Data analysis

Let's build something together.