12 Article Kent Staying Power H1

Staying power

New technologies and processes help us work faster and smarter, but it's the quality of people we hire that makes those tools work for our clients.

Let's build something together.
2023 03 13 origin story women design HERO
Women in design: 8 ways your origin story can make you a better designer
Only about 19% of professional industrial designers in the United States are women.
Innovation theater design thinking
Stop Design Thinking From Becoming 'Innovation Theater'
Too many times design thinking projects fall victim to the trappings of innovation theater. Here's how not to let that happen.
12 article Tayler improv2
The importance of an improvisation mindset
This article is part one of a two-part series about the advantages of an improvisation mindset on workplace teams.
12 Article Verhalen Tunnel Vision
10 steps to help combat design tunnel vision
Have you ever been given a physical tool to help you complete a task when what you really needed was information or support?
2024 01 08 business of empathy HERO
The Business of Empathy: Designing Like Your Customers are Human
If you are innovating by practicing customer-centered design, it may be the reason you aren’t getting the results you need.
12  Article  Ritzenthaler  Change Management
Navigating the New: 5 Best Practices
Change brings excitement, anxiety and lots of questions. Here are five best practices for managing change in an organization.