
Advice for product innovation, design, and development
Personalized digital healthcare BD diabetes app
Personalized Digital Health: The Opportunity and Our Responsibility
People are now more willing to share personal health information online. What’s the responsibility of digital marketers in the health and pharmaceutical space?
2024 04 02 Prototype Breaking HERO
On-Ramp to Design Engineering: Prototypes Are Made for Breaking!
We will test a part, remove material, then test it again, and iterate that process until it eventually breaks. At that point, we know just how thin, light, or inexpensive a part can be.
A Plan for Integrating Hardware and Software
To build better products, development teams need to integrate the hardware and software development processes. The design thinking mindset could provide the means to enable this reunification.
2024 03 26 Interaction Design Strategies for Io T Products That Connect HERO
Interaction Design Strategies for IoT Products That Connect
Only connected devices that connect deeply with their users will have staying power. How do you strategize interaction design for IoT products customers will love?
Jenny Westby employee spotlight1
Meet a Delvian: Jenny Westby
Get to know Jenny Westby, design researcher at Delve.
2024 03 19 Who Knows Best Designing User Control AI HERO
Who Knows Best? Designing User Control in the Age of AI
How much agency should a machine be allowed? For both medical devices and cars, the potential to save lives is very real. But the consequences of things going wrong could be catastrophic.
2024 03 01 LED touch interface HERO
Developing a Product with an LED and Touch User Interface
Sometimes the simplest designs are the most difficult to get right. Here's how we approach the design of a low-information-density user interface.
2024 03 13 AI Trust Usability2 HERO
AI in Medicine: Establishing Trust Through Usability
In many areas of healthcare where AI has great potential, use of the technology is still in its infancy. In these realms where it’s slower to catch on, a common obstacle to adoption is lack of trust.
2024 03 12 3 UX best practices med product design HERO
3 UX Best Practices for Medical Product Designers
A few months ago, we shared our thoughts on three UX trends reshaping medical product design. Here are a few suggestions on how to incorporate those trends into your medical device UX design efforts.
2024 03 11 tolerance stack HERO_download
Download Delve's Tolerance Stack-Up Analysis Calculator
Our engineers have designed a better tolerance analysis tool that makes doing tolerance stacks a joy. Download it here for free.
2024 03 05 Amaras Law HERO_smaller
How to Use “Amara’s Law” to Inform Design Strategy
An innovation introduced today might be overhyped in the short term and underestimated in the long run. How will that inform your approach?
2024 02 29 Unlocking Product Innovation HERO
The Simple Secret To Unlocking Product Innovation
Without the right insights, a new technology is just a solution without a problem. Insights are the answer to tech for tech's sake.
2024 02 29 Parametric CAD HERO
On-Ramp to Design Engineering: Parametric CAD
We use Parametric CAD to design the majority of a wide range of new products. Here are some of the problems it helps us solve quickly and capably.
2024 02 29 electronic product design HERO
On-Ramp to Electronic Product Design: Which Is the Best Embedded Solution for Your Product?
Inside every electronic device sold today – whether it’s a coffee maker, phone, automobile, or Mars Rover – is an embedded solution, or a combination of hardware and software that makes the thing run.
Plough hypothesis hero
The Plough Hypothesis and Design’s Gender Data Gap
What do ancient farm tools have to do with contemporary gender inequality? According to the Plough Hypothesis, there’s a direct link.
2024 02 27 qualitative quantitative hero
Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Research to Drive Product Innovation
As many as 95% of new products fail. To improve the odds in your favor, put users at the center of the design process and conduct user research early and often.
2024 02 16 Speeding Up Product Development HERO
Speeding Up Product Development
There are several methodologies available to speed up the development process. Which best fits your needs?
2024 02 20 unexplained failures hero
Diagnosing Unexplained Product Failures
Diagnosing problems in failing products that have already been released for manufacturing can be a tricky business.
Ruggediot2 HEADER 2024
Rugged IoT: Considerations for Electronic Components
You’d be surprised how many startups come to us with excellent connected device concepts that have failed under routine, predictable environmental stresses.
2024 02 13 Defuzzing Innovation Process HERO
Defuzzing the Innovation Process
We’ve developed several techniques for defuzzing the innovation process — to uncover user and technology insights that lead to innovation and reduce risk of failure.
2024 02 08 B2 B v B2 C HERO
Is There a Difference Between B2B & B2C Product Development?
Designers love to talk about the needs of the user. But what if the end user isn’t the person making the decision to buy your products?
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How 3D Printing for Rapid Manufacturing Is Pushing Boundaries
Features that would be impossible to pull off using conventional manufacturing methods are made feasible with 3D printing.
2024 01 30 Offshore Manufacturing HERO
How to Make Offshore Manufacturing Work
When offshore manufacturing works well, it can be fast, cost-efficient, and deliver good quality. But often speed, price, or quality is sacrificed without the right vendor, relationship, and process.
2024 01 24 Industrial Design Concepts Too Many HERO
How Many Industrial Design Concepts is Too Many?
A question we get often from new clients while drafting industrial design proposals is how many concepts they’ll be reviewing in the early phases of a project.
2024 01 23 8 Questions Smarter Parts Selection HERO
8 Questions to Smarter Parts Selection in Electronic Product Design
Using leading-edge parts comes with risks. You may have a great, even disruptive, product to debut, but realistically it needs to get to market before someone else beats you to it.
2024 01 24 Io T Changing Industrial Design HERO
How the Internet of Things is Changing Industrial Design
Several years ago, someone gifted me with Twine, an Internet-connected 2.5 square box that can be “programmed” in plain English, without needing to know how to code.
2024 1 10 Polished Prototypes HERO
How To Make Polished Product Prototypes Using Everyday Shop Tools
A couple of weeks ago I did a shop presentation to share techniques I’ve developed for making models come together in a more professional way.
2024 01 11 D Do S Defense HERO
On-Ramp To Electronic Product Design: 4 DDoS Attack-Prevention Tips
The huge number of unsecured IoT devices currently connected to the internet make DDoS attacks it all too easy. There are measures you can take to make sure yours is better protected.
2023 12 22 Simulated Use HERO
Medical Device Testing: Go As Far as Possible with a Simulated Use Environment
Medical device usability testing serves different — and equally important — purposes throughout the product design process, from generative through evaluative research.
2023 12 on ramp sealing
On-Ramp to Design Engineering: Sealing
Figuring out just how much sealing products will need is part of the design process.
"Delve brings strengths that we don't have, which is why I'm looking forward to working with them again."

Vamsee Pamula, Founder & President, Baebies