
Advice for product innovation, design, and development
2023 05 15 DMI recap HERO
The Value of Design and the Responsibility of Designers
The theme of the DMI Madrid 2023 conference was "The Power of Design in Turbulent Times." Here are some reflections on major themes that defined the talks and the conversations throughout.
2023 05 01 AI in Engineering Then Now HERO 1
A History of AI in Engineering from the 1970s to Today
With the transformative potential of new AI tools like ChatGPT on everyone’s mind, it’s easy to forget that artificial intelligence has been used in product design and engineering for many years.
06 Article Dave Fuzzy Start H1
Concept FMEA for Engineering During the Fuzzy Front-End of Development
The “fuzzy front end” of product development can pose some unique challenges for engineers.
2023 04 11 multidisciplinary teams better product design HERO
Why Multidisciplinary Teams Design Better Products
A multidisciplinary team has the edge in creating innovative, well-rounded solutions that meet the needs of all stakeholders.
Robot with Rocket Lifting off in the Background – AI Product Development
19 Uses for AI in Product Development
The Delve team explores AI’s place in our product development process.
Construction Workers – Food Samples – Covid Test – Doctor with a Patient
The ROI of Research and Strategy, Part 2
To understand the critical importance of user research and strategy for businesses, it's helpful to look at real-world examples.
Metal Being Grinded Down – ROI Research and Strategy
The ROI of Research and Strategy, Part 1
Business leaders need to make product decisions based on real data about their target market, instead of simply relying on best guesses or gut feel.
2023 03 27 Authenticate Consumables HERO
A Cost-Effective Approach for Authenticating Consumables
Authentication is not appropriate for every product, but there are many applications where it's necessary for the manufacturer, end user, or both. Authenticating your consumables need not break the bank.
Robot Thinking – Responsible AI Development
Responsible AI: Guidelines and Resources for Designers
Microsoft just dissolved their AI Ethics and Society team. What’s a designer to do?
2023 03 13 origin story women design HERO
Women in design: 8 ways your origin story can make you a better designer
Only about 19% of professional industrial designers in the United States are women.
2023 03 15 chatgpt healthcare2 HERO
Will AI and ChatGPT really transform clinical healthcare for the better?
I am excited about where AI will take us in healthcare, but there are some challenges we will need to negotiate and serious dangers we must guard against.
2023 03 13 7 ways design products women HERO
7 Ways to Design Better Products for Women
How do you design better products for women? Our female researchers, designers and engineers compiled seven principles for individuals and companies to consider.
2023 03 15 future readiness hero Adobe Stock 218954992
Future-Readiness Checklist: Are You Prepared to Lead in the Future of Your Industry?
Is your innovation incremental, strategic, or visionary? Use Delve's Future-Readiness Checklist to gauge your approach.
Part 5 of 5, Delve Seamless Healthcare Product Development in the Future
How to Design Health Products of the Future, Part 5: Seamless Integration
As healthcare moves toward everyday wellness, new health and wellness solutions will consist of offerings you wouldn’t expect from the current ecosystem. Designing solutions that provide a seamless integration of products and services will entice healthcare consumers.
Part 4 of 5, Delve Consumer-Centric Product Design in the Future
How to Design Health Products of the Future, Part 4: Anytime, Anywhere
Consumer-centric care will continue to be delivered faster, in unexpected places, and at previously untenable times of day and night. Companies that can redefine convenience will gain a competitive edge.
Part 3 of 5, Personalized Delve Healthcare Product Development in the Future
How to Design Health Products of the Future, Part 3: Data-Informed Personalization
Advancements in AI and data analytics technologies, and the healthcare consumer’s increasing interest in tracking and sharing personal data, are paving the way for highly personalized care. To win this race, companies need to deliver deeper, more meaningful personalization.
Part 2 of 5, Delve Healthcare: Empathic Product Development in the Future
How to Design Health Products of the Future, Part 2: Empathic Care
Companies that provide more meaningful connection at an emotional and aspirational level will attract the next generation of healthcare consumers.
Part 1 of 5, Delve Healthcare Products: Design in the Future
How to Design Health Products of the Future, Part 1: Everyday Wellness
Future healthcare products need to be designed to embody a proactive and preventive mindset. This new paradigm is focused on enhancing our well-being and health in all areas of our life, all of the time.
2023 03 13 mentoring women HERO Adobe Stock 132140360
Tips for Mentoring Women, from Women
Leadership diversity matters because having different perspectives and experiences drives innovation and helps companies to design better products. This is even more important when it comes to medical devices, where patients’ health and lives are at stake.
2023 03 07 med device mri nest HERO
How to Design a Medical Device as Safe as an MRI and as Intuitive as a Nest
Medical device manufacturers need to design for a new kind of user. This has big implications not just for the devices they design but also for how they do business.
2023 03 01 org transformation sustainable design HERO
Organizational Transformation That Supports Sustainable Design
Eric Mackey, Delve’s former Director of Industrial Design, and Taylor Cone, Delve’s Head of Innovation Enablement, talk about the roadblocks that prevent organizations from embracing sustainability—and what it would take to effect change.
2023 03 03 medtech surprising HERO
3 Surprising Findings from Our Latest MedTech Industry Survey
While reviewing the early data from our ongoing research on trends in the medical device industry, three unexpected findings caught our eye.
2023 02 28 consumerization of healthcare HERO
How the Consumerization of Healthcare is Transforming Medical Device Design
Patients are becoming empowered consumers of healthcare. They bring to medical devices the high expectations formed from their experiences with highly intuitive consumer products—as well as greater risk.
Which product redesign HERO
If You Could Redesign Anything, What Would It Be?
Not every product design is a home run. Here are 15 products we think could use some design help.
Med device digital physical pt2 HERO
A Better Way to Develop A Medical Device with Digital and Physical Elements (Part 2 of 2)
We’ve been experimenting with a new methodology for designing medical devices with hardware/software interactions. Here’s what a new, holistic development process might look like.
digital medical device design - hero
A Better Way to Develop a Medical Device with Digital and Physical Elements (Part 1 of 2)
Next-generation medical devices with hardware-software interactions need a new, holistic development methodology.
Orgs enable innovation HERO
What It Looks Like When Organizations Enable Innovation—By Design
Within every organization, innovation wants to thrive. Here’s what it looks like when organizations dismantle the obstacles that stand in the way.
Best innovations 2022 hero
Biggest Innovations in 2022 That Influenced Product Design
A coffee pod system without a plastic pod. Headphones that read your mind. A touch-sensitive prosthetic hand. Check out the biggest innovations to influence product design in 2022.
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What Can Data Science and Machine Learning Do for You?
Here are nine examples across different sectors of how data science and machine learning can help unlock the power of your data.
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5 Groundbreaking Health Innovations Powered by Data and Machine Learning
Advances in data science and machine learning are transforming healthcare and public safety. Countless lives will benefit. Here are five inspiring examples.
"Delve brings strengths that we don't have, which is why I'm looking forward to working with them again."

Vamsee Pamula, Founder & President, Baebies